What is WSUD
Urban development has a marked effect on the natural water cycle. There is an increase of impervious surfaces, and a subsequent reduction of green space and vegetated surfaces. This change in urban environment reduces the volume of water that is evaporated and transpired by plants into the atmosphere (evapotranspiration) and that penetrates the soil (infiltration). Additionally, increasing urbanisation results in more frequent and severe flooding, altered stream hydrology and an increase in pollutants reaching waterways. Pollutants are efficiently transported by traditional stormwater systems, resulting in higher concentrations of sediment, nutrients, heavy metals and hydrocarbons in downstream waterways. These high pollutant loads can create algal issues and kill aquatic life such as fish and bugs.
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) seeks to manage urban stormwater to create positive environmental outcomes and improve the liveability of surrounding areas. Typically, WSUD systems help to reduce and treat the runoff from urban areas and developments. Systems can be designed to produce other benefits such as water re-use, passive irrigation, flood mitigation, litter removal, ambient cooling and increased amenity. All WSUD assets require ongoing maintenance to ensure they continue to function as designed.